
Recently, the President, Barry Capuano, received the following photo and words from his friend Les Twentyman:
“My good mate Michael Long 18 years ago we both ran with Olympic Torch together along with the late Bart Cummings.
Michaels son Jake and daughter Mickela are both currently playing for Essendon.
Michael may have 20 Jobs for our Refugee Kids with The Andrews Govt. on Crossing Removals.
Michael has a Youth Program in Darwin and would like me to visit it and share Ideas as we have an Indigenous school from Northam WA visiting us for past 4 years.
Our Back to School Program has supported 80 Aboriginal Students this year making the total to be around 8,000 over the 28 years.”
Les apparently was a very reasonable player and coach of teams in the Western suburbs in his earlier days, and we all know the prowess of Michael as a player with the EFC, however their performances since their playing days have been outstanding. The Les Twentyman Foundation which covers a number of areas, has done a fantastic job in looking after disadvantaged and homeless youth and their families, and Michael similarly, has done a superb job in looking after the problems facing indigenous youth, and the Long Walk, which is supported strongly by the EFC, is an annual event that attracts thousands of people to participate in the walk.
Both of these men are truly Legends, and we wish them well in continuing to expand the great work they already provide for many Australian families.