Extracts from NEWSLETTER JUNE 2020
During these difficult Covid 19 restrictions most of us have self-isolated to ensure that we remain healthy and from the contacts we have made with our members, the vast majority appear to be handling the situation well.
Although some of the restrictions have been lifted we do not believe that things will get back to normal for some time, so we encourage all of our members to remain vigilant and look after yourselves and your families.
If any of our members need any support feel free to contact us as we may be in a position to assist.
Alec Epis is recovering from his recent illness as is Don McKenzie, both of whom are very grateful to those members who have been in touch with them. Both have also made generous contributions to the Association. Ian “Bluey’ Shelton is well and back on his farm.
Emil Eugene is now at home following a few hospital visits but is on the road to recovery.
Bruce Reid has recently had a setback in his rehabilitation, however is now on the mend.
We regret to advise that Betty Allanson, the wife of former player and EFC Treasurer, Noel Allanson, passed away recently.
The annual Special Effort & Silent Auction form an important part of our fund raising efforts each year and due to the restrictions we are under, we have decided to run with both this year in different formats.
As it will be difficult to offer some of the prizes available in the past, particularly in respect to travel and specific football prizes, we have decided to again run the special effort with some innovative prizes available and would hope to be able to distribute booklets by late July.
In respect to the Silent Auction, which has in the past been run as part of our Annual Dinner held in Grand Final week, we have decided to run the Silent Auction online this year and probably in future years, to allow all of our members the opportunity of participating in this event, as there is always a great chance of obtaining some top bargain items. It is intended that we will run the auction during the month of September and we will inform you of how this will operate as soon as we have everything set up and in place. For those members who do not have access to the internet, we will send you a list of the prizes available, together with the details of how to bid on any of the items.
As we would like to see both the Annual Special Effort and Silent Auction being attractive to our members, we are seeking ideas of what type of prizes you feel that you would like to see included in these events. If anyone is in a position to offer any prizes to us it would be greatly appreciated. If you are in a position to offer any prizes, please contact David Collins on email [email protected] or phone 0419342559.
The club is in the unenviable position of having to substantially reduce its running costs, which has meant that a large number of staff has been stood down. Unfortunately, some of these staff members will not be re-employed and we wish all of those in that position best wishes for the future. Those staff members who we deal directly with have been very co-operative during these difficult times.
It would appear that AFL football will have to seriously control their costs for some time to ensure that they survive and we feel sure that the EFC will do the best thing for the club and its supporters. The players will also suffer great changes to their lifestyles, including large reductions to their playing contracts, and we may see many having to work part-time to enable them to maintain their living standards.
The new developments at The Hanger have continued and are progressing well.